"You manage the medicine, We'll manage the business!"

On-Site Medical (OSM) offers a PROVEN turnkey solution to businesses across the medical space, including doctors as well as, small to midsize practices or groups.

OSM experience will play a key role in helping identify and solve any specific problem or opportunity no matter the size. In addition to identifying opportunities that can create ROI and efficiencies, we offer a complete practice management solution that capitalizes on our years of knowledge to bring great benefit to your practice.


OSM provides contract negotiations, staffing, staff management, bookkeeping, payroll, billing/collections, vendor management/purchasing and marketing services far superior to what a typical facility can afford to do internally. This type of expertise is invaluable when it comes to creating ROI in areas that are overlooked in so many practices. We accomplish this is by spreading the costs of highly trained and experienced resources across multiple clients. The result of this is our clients get big hospital system type efficiencies without the huge overhead expense and headache.


The big difference is our clients own their businesses and practices, we just help them to do that much more successfully.

We Put Our Money At Risk

We have all heard people talk about “having some skin in the game.” We are so confident in our people and expertise that we put our money where our mouth is by taking some risk with you. With this offering, you can be sure that you can trust what we say and do while by having the confidence to take some risk to back it up.


By OSM putting up to 50% of our fee at risk based on measurable performance metrics for our practice management services, we get paid based on what we actually help you generate and collect. This assures that we are all pulling in the same direction in achieving value and ROI.

Our #1 Goal is to Help You Succeed

In today’s medical profession, time is money. This is why On-Site’s mission is so simple and straight-forward: “We manage the business so you can practice medicine”. 

Whether it is implementing technology, improving operations, marketing to new patients, or improving cash flow, On-Site Medical is here to allow you to concentrate on what you are great at; practicing medicine.